
第30章 送行 Seeing People off


麥克斯·畢爾勃姆/Max Beerbohm


I am not good at it.To do it well seems to me one of the most diffi cult things in the world,and probably seems so to you,too.

To see a friend off from Waterloo to Vauxhall were easy enough.But we are never called on to perform that small feat.It is only when a fri end is going on a longish journey,and will be absent for a languish tim e,that we turn up at the railway station.The dearer the friend and the longer the journey,and the longer the likely absence,the earlier do we turn up,and the more lamentably do we fail.Our failure is in exact rat io to the seriousness of the occasion,and to the depth of our feeling.

In a room,or even on a doorstep,we can make the farewell quite wor thily.We can express in our faces the genuine sorrow we feel.Nor do wo rds fail us.There is no awkwardness,no restraint,on either side.The thread of our intimacy has not been snapped.The leave-taking is an idea l one.Why not,then,leave the leave-taking at that?Always,departing friends implore us not to bother to come to the railway station next mor ning.Always,we are deaf to these entreaties,knowing them to be not qu ite sincere.The departing friends would think it very odd of us if we t ook them at their word.Besides,they really do want to see us again.An d that wish is heartily reciprocated.We duly turn up.And then,oh then,what a gulf yawns!We stretch our arms vainly across it.We have utter ly lost touch.We have nothing at all to say.We gaze at each other as d umb animals gaze at human beings.We "make conversation"--and such conve rsation!We know that these friends are the friends from whom we parted overnight.They know that we have not altered.Yet,on the surface,ever ything is different;and the tension is such that we only long for the g uard to blow his whistle and put an end to the farce.

On a cold grey morning of last week I duly turned up at Euston,to s ee off an old friend who was starting for America.

Overnight,we had given him a farewell dinner,in which sadness was well mingled with festivity.Years probably would elapse before his retu rn.Some of us might never see him again.Not ignoring the shadow of the future,we gaily celebrated the past.We were as thankful to have known our guest as we were grieved to lose him;and both these emotions were m ade manifest.It was a perfect farewell.

And now,here we were,stiff and self-conscious on the platform;and framed in the window of the railway-carriage was the face of our friend;but it was as the face of a stranger--a stranger anxious to please,an a ppealing stranger,an awkward stranger."Have you got everything?" asked one of us,breaking a silence."Yes,everything," aid our friend,with a pleasant nod."Everything," he repeated,with the emphasis of an empty brain."You'll be able to lunch on the train," said I,though the prop hecy had already been made more than once."Oh,yes," he said with convi ction.He added that the train went straight through to Liverpool.This fact seemed to strike us as rather odd.We exchanged glances."Doesn't it stop at Crewe?" asked one of us."No," said our friend,briefly.He s eemed almost disagreeable.There was along pause.One of us,with a nod and a forced smile at the traveler,said "Well!" The nod,the smile and the unmeaning monosyllable,were returned conscientiously.Another pause was broken by one of us with a fit of coughing.It was an obviously assu med fit,but it served to pass the time.The bustle of the platform was unabated.There was no sign of the train's departure.Release--ours,an d our friend's--was not yet.

My wandering eye alighted on a rather portly middle-aged man who was talking earnestly from the platform to a young lady at the next window b ut one to ours.His fine profile was vaguely familiar to me.The young l ady was evidently American,and he was evidently English;otherwise I sh ould have guessed from his impressive air that he was her father.I wish ed I could hear what he was saying.I was sure he was giving the very be st advice;and the strong tenderness of his gaze was really beautiful.H e seemed magnetic,as he poured out his final injunctions.I could feel something of his magnetism even where I stood.And the magnetism,like t he profile,was vaguely familiar to me.Where had I experienced it?

In a flash I remembered.The man was Hubert Le Ros.But how changed since last I saw him!That was seven or eight years ago,in the Strand.He was then(as usual)out of an engagement,and borrowed half-a-crown.It seemed a privilege to lend anything to him.He was always magnetic.And why his magnetism had never made him successful on the London stage was always a mystery to me.He was an excellent actor,and a man of sober ha bit.But,like many others of his kind,Hubert Le Ros (I do not,of cour se,give the actual name by which he was known) drifted speedily away in to the provinces;and I,like every one else,ceased to remember him.

It was strange to see him,after all these years,here on the platfo rm of Euston,looking so prosperous and solid.It was not only the flesh that he had put on,but also the clothes,that made him hard to recogniz e.In the old days,an imitation fur coat had seemed to be as integral a part of him as were his ill-shorn lantern jaws.But now his costume was a model of rich and somber moderation,drawing,not calling,attention t o itself.He looked like a banker.Any one could have been proud to be s een off by him.

"Stand back,please!" he train was about to start,and I waved farew ell to my friend.Le Ros did not stand back.He stood clasping in both h ands the hands of the young American."Stand back,sir,please!" he obeye d,but quickly darted forward again to whisper some final word.I think there were tears in her eyes.There certainly were tears in his when,at length,having watched the train out of sight,he turned round.He seeme d,nevertheless,delighted to see me.He asked me where I had been hidin g all these years;and simultaneously repaid me the half-crown as though it had been borrowed yesterday.He linked his arm in mine,and walked wi th me slowly along the platform,saying with what pleasure he read my dr amatic criticisms every Saturday.

I told him,in return,how much he was missed on the stage."Ah,yes," he said,"I never acton the stage nowadays." He laid some emphasis on the word"stage." and I asked him where,then,he did act."On the platf orm," he answered."You mean," said I,"that you recite at concerts?" He smiled."This," he whispered,striking his stick on the ground,"is the p latform I mean." Had his mysterious prosperity unhinged him?He looked q uite sane.I begged him to be more explicit.

"I suppose," he said presently,giving me a light for the cigar whic h he had offered me,"You have been seeing a friend off?I assented.He asked me what I supposed he had been doing.I said that I had watched hi m doing the same thing."No," he said gravely."That lady was not a frie nd of mine.I met her for the first time this morning,less than half an hour ago,here." and again he struck the platform with his stick.

I confessed that I was bewildered.He smiled."You may," he said,"h ave heard of the Anglo-American Social Bureau?I had not.He explained t o me that of the thousands of Americans who annually pass through Englan d there are many hundreds who have no English friends.In the old days t hey used to bring letters of introduction.But the English are so inhosp itable that these letters are hardly worth the paper they are written on."Thus," aid Le Ros,"the A.A.S.B.supplies a long-felt want.Americans are a sociable people,and most of them have plenty of money to spend.T he A.A.S.B.supplies them with English friends.Fifty percent of the fee s is paid over to the friends.The other fifty is retained by the A.A.S.B.I am not,alas!A director.If I were,I should be a very rich man in deed.I am only an employee.But even so I do very well.I am one of the seers-off."

Again I asked for enlightenment."Many Americans," he said,"cannot afford to keep friends in England.But they can all afford to be seen of f.The fee is only five pounds(twenty-five dollars)for a single travelle r;and eight pounds (forty dollars) for a party of two or more.They sen d that in to the Bureau,giving the date of their departure,and a descr iption by which the seer-off can identify them on the platform.And then--well,then they are seen off."

"But is it worth"?I exclaimed."Of course it is worth it," said Le Ros."It prevents them from feeling 'Out of it.'It earns them the respe ct of the guard.It saves them from being despised by their fellow-passe ngers--the people who are going to be on the boat.It gives them a footi ng for the whole voyage.Besides,it is a great pleasure in itself.You saw me seeing that young lady off.Didn't you think I did it beautifull y?" "Beautifully," I admitted."I envied you.There was I--" "Yes,I can imagine.There were you,shuffling from head to foot,staring blankly at your friend,trying to make conversation.I know.That's how I used to be myself,before I studied,and went into the thing professionally.I d on't say I'm perfect yet.I'm still a martyr to platform fright.A ra ilway station is the most difficult of all places to act in,as you have discovered for yourself." "But," I said with resentment,"I wasn't tryi ng to act.I really felt." "so did I,my boy," aid Le Ros."You can't a ct without feeling.What's-his-name,the Frenchman--Diderot,yes--said you could;but what did he know about it?Don't you see those tears in m y eyes when the train started?I hadn't forced them.I tell you I was m oved.So were you,I dare say.But you couldn't have pumped up a tear t o prove it.You can't express your feelings.In other words,you can't act.At any rate,"he added kindly," not in a railway station." "Teach m e!" cried.He looked thoughtfully at me."Well," he said at length,"th e seeing-off season is practically over.Yes,I'll give you a course.I have a good many pupils on hand already;but yes," he said,consulting a n ornate notebook,"I could give you an hour on Tuesdays and Fridays."

His terms,I confess,are rather high.But I don't grudge the inves tment.















