
第16章 心中充滿希望 Full of Desires


查爾斯·漢尼爾/Charles F.Haanel

There are only three things which can possibly be desired in the"wo rld without"and each of them can be found in the"world within".The s ecret of finding them is simply to apply the proper "mechanism" of att achment to the omnipotent power to which each individual has access.

The three things which all mankind desires and which are necessary f or his highest expression and complete development are Health,Wealth an d Love.All will admit that health is absolutely essential;no one can b e happy if the physical body is in pain.All will not so readily admit t hat Wealth is necessary,but all must admit that a sufficient supply at least is necessary,and what would be considered sufficient for one,wou ld be considered absolute and painful lack for another;and as Nature p rovides not only enough but abundantly,wastefully,lavishly,we realize that any lack or limitation is only the limitation which has been made b y an artificial method of distribution.All will probably admit that Lov e is the third,or maybe some will say the first essential necessary to the happiness of mankind;at any rate,those who possess all three,Hea lth,Wealth,and Love,find nothing else which can be added to their cup of happiness.

We have found that the Universal substance is"All Health","All Su bstance" and "All Love" and that the mechanism of attachment whereby we can consciously connect with this Infinite supply is in our method of thinking.To think correctly is therefore to enter into the"Secret Plac e of the Most High".

What shall we think?If we know this we shall have found the proper mechanism of attachment which will relate us to "Whatsoever things we d esire".This mechanism may seem very simple when I give it to you,but read on;you will find that it is in reality the "Master Key",the "A laddin's tamp",if you please;you will find that it is the foundation,the imperative condition,the absolute law of well-doing,which means,well-being.