
第44章 關於香港未來的聯合聲明 簽字儀式上的講話


Speech at the Signature Ceremony of the Joint Declaration on the Future of Hong Kong

瑪格麗特·撒切爾 / Margaret Thatcher

瑪格麗特·撒切爾(1925— ),生於英格蘭林肯郡格蘭瑟姆市。1943年進入牛津大學薩默維爾女子學院攻讀化學。大學時代加入保守黨,並擔任牛津大學保守黨協會主席。1953年被林肯律師協會批準為律師。1959年當選為保守黨下院議員。1961年任年金和國民保險部政務次官。1964年任下院保守黨前座發言人。1970年任教育和科學大臣。1975年2月當選為保守黨領袖。1979年5月出任首相,成為英國曆史上第一位女首相。1983年6月和1987年6月連任首相。1990年11月辭去首相職務。1992年6月被封為終身貴族。1993年5月任威廉—瑪麗學院第二十一任名譽院長。曾4次訪問中國,1984年在北京代表英國政府與中國政府簽署了《關於香港問題的聯合聲明》。

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Read the following speech carefully, and answer the question below.

According to this spech, what influences will the Anglo-Chinese bring to China and England?

This is a historic occasion. And I am particularly pleased to see that Chairman Deng Xiaoping is able to be present. The Joint Declaration on the Future of Hong Kong, which we have just signed on behalf of our two governments, is a landmark in the life of the territory, in the course of Anglo-Chinese relations, and in the history of international diplomacy. The Agreement establishes a firm basis for confidence in Hong Kong after 1997 and beyond, and for its continued stability, prosperity and growth.

I remember with pleasure my last visit to China in September 1982 and my discussions with Chinese leaders. At my meeting with Chairman Deng Xiaoping on that occasion, we agreed to open talks on the future of Hong Kong. Our common aim was to maintain the territory’s stability and prosperity. It is in a spirit of pride and of optimism about the future that I now return to sign the agreement, which is the result of those talks.