
第54章 我們不都需要幫助嗎? (2)


2. No matter how you have, no matter how loaded you are with problems, even without money or a to sleep, you can give help. Even if it’s a compliment, you can give that. You never know when you may see someone that to have it all .

1. 盡管他穿著簡陋,但卻透著一種尊嚴。

2. 也許不是為了車票或是安身的一席之地,但我需要幫助。

3. 激勵你的人會何時出現,你永遠也無法知道。

1. I parked in front of the mall wiping off my car.

wipe off:除去;還清;洗刷

2. No matter how much you have, no matter how much you have accomplished, you need help too.

no matter:不論怎樣;不要緊


Be Content and Grow

Here are some steps you can enjoy taking, to experience contentment and growth. These steps are cumulative. That is, when you do Step 2, you are still practicing Step 1; when you do Step 3, you are still practicing Steps 1 & 2.

1. Practice contentment.

Enjoy what you have, who you are, and where you are. Practice being contented with what you have, rather than practice being discontented with what you do not yet have—big difference! A valuable part of contentment is to know what your core values and core skills are…and focus on enjoying using them. A part of your future upgrades will be remembering and utilizing your core values and core skills in new ways… but not losing sight of what is essential, valuable, and central.

2. Upgrade what you have.

You can upgrade in any way that you like, including more quiet time, more income, or both! You decide. Take something that you have: a kind of client, a market, a way of recreation... something that you want more of. You are choosing among the BEST of what you currently have in your life, and know how to get, have or be. Some examples: a. If you are a coach, you can take the clients that you most enjoy and that are the most profitable, and aim to get more of these… you already have some. b. If you are in business of any kind, consider that your top customers, a small number of them, probably earn you the most income. If so, aim for more of THOSE kinds of customers. c. If your enjoyment of life comes from an occasional walk, plan MORE such walks.