馬可·波羅遊記The Travels of Marco Polo
馬可·波羅/ Marco Polo
Practicing for Better Learning
Which of the following is not mentioned in the article?
Upon leaving Va-giu you pass in the course of three days’journey many towns, castles, and villages, all of them well inhabited and opulent. At the end of three days you reach the noble and magnificent city of Kin-sai, a name that signifies“the celestial city.”
There are within the city ten principal squares or market-places, besides innumerable shops along the streets. Each side of these squares is half a mile in length, and in front of them is the main street, forty paces in width, and running in a direct line from one extremity of the city to the other. There is an abundant quantity of game of all kinds, such as roebucks, stags, fallow deer, hares, and rabbits, together with partridges, pheasants, francolins, quails, common fowls, capons, and such numbers of ducks and geese as can scarcely be expressed.
At all seasons there is in the markets a great variety of herbs and fruits, and especially pears of an extraordinary size, weighing ten pounds each, that are white in the inside, like paste, and have a very fragrant smell. There are peaches also, in their season, both of the yellow and the white kind, and of a delicious flavour. From the sea, which is fifteen miles distant, there is daily brought up the river, to the city, a vast quantity of fish; and in the lake also there is abundance, which gives employment at all times to persons whose sole occupation it is to catch them.
On each side of the principal street, there are houses and mansions of great size, with their gardens, and near to these, the dwellings of the artisans, who work in shops, at their several trades. The inhabitants of the city use paper money as currency. The men as well as the women have fair complexions, and are handsome. The greater part of them are always clothed in silk, in consequence of the vast quantity of that material produced in the territory of Kin-sai. They are friendly towards each other, and persons who inhabit the same street, both men and women, from the mere circumstance of neighborhoods, appear like one family. In their domestic manners they are free from jealousy or suspicion of their wives, to whom great respect is shown, and any man would be accounted infamous who should presume to use indecent expressions to a married woman. To strangers also, who visit their city in the way of commerce, they give proofs of cordiality, inviting them freely to their houses, showing them hospitable attention, and furnishing them with the best advice and assistance in their mercantile transactions.
At the distance of twenty-five miles from this city, in a direction to the northward of east, lies the sea, near to which is a town named Gan-pu, where there is an extremely fine port, frequented by all the ships that bring merchandise from India.
Ace in the Hole
Keywords and expressions
besides [bi'saidz]
作副詞,譯為“而且;此外”,近義詞:also, additional, in addition, moreover, furthermore, and that作介詞,譯為“除……之外”,近義詞:in addition to
except [ik'sept]作介詞,譯為“除了;要不是”,近義詞:but, aside from, other than
例:1. He had other people to take care of besides me.
2.Everybody except me looks down upon him.
Practicing for Better Learning
Do the following statements agree with the information in the reading text?
TRUEif the statement agrees with the information
FALSEif the statement contradicts the information
______ (1) There are within the city ten principal squares or market-places, besides innumerable shops along the streets.
______ (2) There is an extremely fine port named Gan-pu.
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Describe what the life was like in the city, using no more than 20 words.