We are not born doubting ourselves.We learn to do it.In fact,we a re usually taught to doubt ourselves.Often we are taught to do so by o therwise well-meaning people who are passing along their own doubts and uncertainties and who believe they are being protective and caring.What these people (usually parents and other significant adults) want are str ong,capable and self-confident people,but they often inadvertently tea ch us thought processes that lead to something else.That's the bad new s.The good news is that we can understand some of these processes and l earn new ways of coping that allow us to become more accepting of oursel ves.Following are six behaviors you may have learned that can be unlear ned and allow you to move toward greater self-acceptance.
One way to really dislike yourself is to always judge yourself in a very moralistic way.People often spend a lot of time and energy labelin g their behavior with moral adjectives such as "bad","hateful" and"mean".When you apply these kinds of words to yourself you make likin g yourself much more difficult.There is a more productive way of lookin g at yourself that will allow you to begin to like yourself more.Instea d of evaluating yourself in this moralistic way,begin to ask questions like:"Did I do what I really wanted to do in this situation?" "How c an I correct the misunderstanding that occurred?" In other words,you c an start to view what you've done as productive or non-productive rathe r than as good or bad.If something is non-productive,you can focus on what you have learned from it and try another approach that might be mor e productive.
Another thing that might cause you not to accept yourself is over-ge neralizing about something you've done that you don't like.So,for ex ample,if you fail a test you might generalize and say,"I'm really a stupid person." When you do this you are making a statement about all o f you all of the time and not just about this one situation at this time.Instead,you might decide that your grade on this test in this subject at this time was indeed poor,and then go on to decide what you want to do about your poor grade,if anything.Getting stuck in over-generalizin g discourages you from taking steps that might allow you to do better on the next exam and builds an expectation of future failure.
Having standards that are impossibly high is a third way you can not accept yourself.It may not come as a surprise to you that most of us ar e more demanding of ourselves than we are of others.Somehow we can tole rate the fact that other people fail,that they aren't always kind,tha t they've done things they aren't proud of,but we have difficulty acc epting those very human aspects of ourselves.The need to be perfect is another way to set yourself up for failure and enhance the feeling that you are not acceptable.We all make mistakes.Accepting less than perfec tion simply means recognizing the limitations inherent in being born a h uman being.Learn to value who you are rather than who you could become.To quote Linus,a sober and often worried character from a popular com ic strip,"The world's heaviest burden is a great potential." Wouldn't it be overwhelming if we always had to do what we imagine we could d o?Nobody has the time and energy to do all of that.We must make choice s about what we will pursue and do them the best we can under the circum stances (which aren't always ideal,by the way).
The idea that you should always be able to attain your goals as long as you work hard enough is another factor interfering with self-acceptan ce.You will reach many of your goals and should give yourself credit fo r having done so.Some of us have trouble seeing our successes because we focus so much on our failures and many times the failures come after a lot of hard work and personal suffering.It seems that all that hard w ork should pay off in our having reaching the goal we set out to achieve.It is hard to accept that a given goal may be out of our reach and tha t may be because of many factors,including the fact that we may not hav e the talent or skill needed to reach the goal.Of course there may be o ther factors in operation that make the achieving of that goal at that t ime impossible-health concerns,financial problems,family difficulties,extraneous stressors,or any number of other factors acting alone or t ogether.The real trick to self-acceptance is to see that the goal is un attainable,at least for now,and shifting your focus to accomplishing w hat you can accomplish under the circumstances.That could include evalu ating your original goal and deciding whether or not to continue with it.It also means giving yourself credit for what you have accomplished an d what you have learned from your experiences.
Judging yourself by what others have accomplished is a sure way to l ower your self-acceptance.Have you noticed that you never compare yours elf to people who seem to aspire to less than you do and that you always choose those people who are the top performers or the most popular as yo ur yardstick for success?Are you as good as your friends,your brother or sister,your parents or Joe Blow?And how about trying to be like "n ormal" people are?(And who or what determines what is "normal"?) Can you only be good if you're better than someone else?When we use other people as our yardstick,we aren't taking into consideration our own pe rsonal limitations or talents.For example,if someone seems to be more articulate than you,you can respond in one of two ways:You can become upset and depressed by telling yourself that you should be as articulate as that person,or you can recognize and accept the fact that there are probably a lot of people out there who are more articulate than you at c ertain times and under certain circumstances and that is OK.It doesn't mean a thing about you.Playing the comparison game is a dead end street.By doing that you are probably missing some other qualities by which y ou can judge your own worth,like your honesty,friendliness,caring nat ure,dedication and so forth.And really,people don't value you for ho w much you are like someone else.They do value you for the ways you are being you.
Just passively letting your life happen may make it more difficult t o accept yourself.Part of accepting yourself is engaging in activities that help you like yourself.Think back to those times when you weren't concerned about your acceptability.What kinds of things were you doing?How were you spending your time?To accept and like yourself means that you approve of how you are living your life.If you aren't accepting yo urself,you probably don't like the activities you're engaged in.You are feeling dissatisfied.A way to increase your self-acceptance is to b ecome more actively engaged in your life.Look for those activities and relationships that give you the most enjoyment-not necessarily the most enjoyment you could possibly have,but the most you can get from your ch oices at the moment.Try new things,perhaps things you have always want ed to try but didn't because you felt you couldn't do them.Try them w ith the attitude that you want to know what it would actually be like to do them.You may find that they are enjoyable and that you want to conti nue them.You may find that they are OK,but not worth continuing.You m ay find that you don't like them at all and feel fine about crossing th em off your list of things to do.Trying and getting real experience is a way of feeling better about yourself and gaining more confidence in yo ur abilities.
1.In other____,you can start to view what you've____as productive or non-productive rather than____good or bad.If somethi ng is non-productive,you can focus on____you have learned from it and try____approach that might be more productive.
2.A____to increase your self-acceptance is to____more act ively engaged in your____.Look for those activities and relationsh ips that give you the most enjoyment--not necessarily the most enjoyment you could possibly____,but the most you can get____your choic es at the moment.