
第24章 接受自己 Accepting Oneself


It's a strange phenomenon how difficult people find it to love them selves.One would think it is the easiest thing in the world,because we're constantly concerned with ourselves.We're always interested in ho w much we can get,how well we can perform,how comfortable we can be.S o with all that,why is it so difficult to actually love oneself?

Loving oneself certainly doesn't mean indulging oneself.Really lov ing is an attitude towards oneself that most people don't have,because they know quite a few things about themselves which are not desirable.E verybody has innumerable attitudes,reactions,likes and dislikes which they'd be better off without.Judgment is made and while one likes one's positive attitudes,one dislikes the others.With that comes suppres sion of those aspects of oneself that one is not pleased with.One doesn't want to know about them and doesn't acknowledge them.That's one w ay of dealing with oneself,which is detrimental to growth.

Another unskillful way is to dislike that part of oneself which appe ars negative and every time it arises one blames oneself,which makes ma tters twice as bad as they were before.With that comes fear and very of ten aggression.If one wants to deal with oneself in a balanced way,it's not useful to pretend that the unpleasant part doesn't exist,those aggressive,irritable,sensual,conceited tendencies.If we pretend we a re far from reality and put a split into ourselves.Even though such a p erson may be totally sane,the appearance given is that of not being qui te real.We've all come across people like that,who are too sweet to b e true,as a result of pretense and suppression.Blaming oneself doesn't work either.In both instances one transfers one's own reactions to o ther people.One blames others for their deficiencies,real or imagined,or one doesn't see them as ordinary human beings.Everyone lives in an unreal world,because it's ego-deluded,but this one is particularly un real,because everything is considered either as perfectly wonderful or absolutely terrible.

The only thing that is real is that we have six roots within us.Thr ee roots of good and three roots of evil.The latter are greed,hate and delusion,but we also have their opposites,generosity,loving-kindness and wisdom.Take an interest in this matter.If one investigates this an d doesn't get anxious about it,then one can easily accept these six ro ots in everybody.No difficulty at all,when one has seen them in onesel f.They are the underlying roots of everyone's behavior.Then we can lo ok at ourselves a little more realistically,namely not blaming ourselve s for the unwholesome roots,not patting ourselves on the back for the w holesome ones,but rather accepting their existence within us.We can al so accept others more clear-sightedly and have a much easier time relati ng to them.

We will not suffer from disappointments and we won't blame,because we won't live in a world where only black or white exists,either the t hree roots of unwholesomeness or their opposites.Such a world doesn't exist anywhere,and the only person to be like that is an Arahant.It's largely a matter of degree in everyone else.These degrees of good and e vil are so finely tuned,there's so little difference within the degree s in each one of us that it really doesn't matter.Everybody has the sa me job to do,to cultivate the wholesome tendencies and uproot the unwho lesome ones.

Apparently we're all very faculties to deal with them.The only dif ference is the length of training different.That too is an illusion.We're all having the same problems and also the same solutions that one h as had.Training which may have been going on for a number of lifetimes has brought about a little more clarity,that's all.

Clarity of thinking comes from purification of one's emotions,whic h is a difficult job that needs to be done.But it can only be done succ essfully when it isn't an emotional upheaval,but clear cut,straightfo rward work that one does on oneself.When it is considered to be just th at,it takes the sting out of it.The charge of "I'm so wonderful" or"I'm so terrible" is defused.We are neither wonderful nor terrible.Everyone is a human being with all the potential and all the obstruction s.If one can love that human being,the one that is "me" with all its faculties and tendencies,then one can love others realistically,useful ly and helpfully.But if one makes a break in the middle and loves the p art which is nice and dislikes the part which isn't nice enough,one's never going to come to grips with reality.

If we look at ourselves in that manner,we will learn to love oursel ves in a wholesome way."Just as a mother at the risk of life,loves an d protects her child..." Become your own mother!If we want to have a r elationship with ourselves that is realistic and conducive to growth,th en we need to become our own mother.A sensible mother can distinguish b etween that which is useful for her child and that which is detrimental.But she doesn't stop loving the child when it misbehaves.This may be t he most important aspect to look at in ourselves.Everyone,at one time or another,misbehaves in thought or speech or action.Most frequently i n thought,fairly frequently in speech and not so often in action.So wh at do we do with that?What does a mother do?She tells the child not to do it again,loves the child as much as she's always loved it and just gets on with the job of bringing up her child.Maybe we can start to bri ng up ourselves.

The whole of this training is a matter of maturing.Maturity is wisd om,which is unfortunately not connected to age.If it were,it would be very easy.One would have a guarantee.Since it is hard work,a job to b e done.First comes recognition,then learning not to condemn,but to un derstand."This is the way it is." The third step is change.Recogniti on may be the hardest part for most people;it's not easy to see what g oes on inside of oneself.This is the most important and the most intere sting aspect of contemplation.

We lead a contemplative life,but that does not mean we sit in medit ation all day long.A contemplative life means that one considers every aspect of what happens as part of a learning experience.One remains int rospective under all circumstances.When one becomes outgoing,one goes to the world with one's thoughts,speech and action.One needs to recol lect oneself and return within.In our way it's a combination of medita tion and lifestyle.The contemplative life goes on inside of oneself.On e can do the same thing with or without recollection.Contemplation is t he most important aspect of introspection.It isn't necessary to sit st ill all day and watch one's breath.Every move,every thought,every wo rd can give rise to understanding oneself.

This kind of work on oneself will bring about deep inner security,w hich is rooted in reality.Most people are wishing and hoping for this k ind of security,but are not even able to voice their longing.Living in a myth,constantly hoping or being afraid is opposed to having inner str ength.The feeling of security arises when one sees reality inside of on eself and thereby the reality in everyone else and comes to terms with i t.

The contemplative life is often lived heavy-handedly.A certain lack of joy is compensated for by being outgoing.This doesn't work.One sho uld cultivate certain light-heartedness,but stay within oneself.There's nothing to be worried or fearful about,nothing that is too difficul t.So we need a light-hearted approach to our own difficulties and those of everyone else,but not exuberance and outpouring.Rather a constant i nwardness,which contains a bit of amusement.This works best.If one ha s a sense of humor about oneself,it is much easier to love oneself prop erly.It's also much easier to love everybody else.

We sometimes think we can portray something we are not.That is not possible.People generally try to show themselves off as something bette r than they really are.Then,of course,they become disappointed in the mselves when they fail,and equally disappointed in others.To realistic ally know oneself makes it possible to truly love.That kind of feeling gives the light-heartedness to this job in which we're engaged,which i s needed.By accepting ourselves and others as we truly are,our job of purification,chipping away at the defilements,is made much easier.














1.Judgment is____and while one likes one's positive attitudes,one dislikes the____.With that comes suppression of those aspect s of oneself that one is not pleased____.

2.The____of security arises when one____reality inside of oneself and thereby the reality____everyone else and comes to te rms with it.

3.We sometimes think we____portray something we are not.That is not possible.____generally try to show themselves off as someth ing better____they really are.


