
第4章 世界永無止境 World Without End


布魯斯·邁舍爾/Bruce Marshall

I think often of these lines,both when I am sad and when I am glad.I think of them when I am sad,because their rhythm teaches me that the timeless patience of God is reflected in the mirror of the sea.Whatever the stupidities of men in cities or council chambers,the waves will alw ays be in choir,chanting their psalm.They sang before Genghis Khan and they will still sing after the atom bomb.Those thoughts make me glad an d I murmur the words again,because I am also grateful.




1.I____often of these lines,both when I am____and when I am glad.I think of them when I am sad,because their rhythm____me that the timeless patience of God is reflected in the mirror of the____.

2.Whatever the stupidities of men____cities or council chamber s,the____will always be in choir,chanting their psalm.They____before Genghis Khan and they will still sing after the atom bomb.Those____make me glad and I murmur the____again,because I am also grateful.




1.I think of them when I am sad...

think of:想念;想起;考慮

2.Whatever the stupidities of men in cities or council chambers...

council chamber:會議室;議會廳