羅伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森/Robert Louis Stevenson
Extreme busyness,whether at school or college,kirk or market,is a symptom of deficient vitality;and a faculty for idleness implies a cath olic appetite and a strong sense of personal identity.There is a sort o f dead-alive,hackneyed people about,who are scarcely conscious of livi ng except in the exercise of some conventional occupation.Bring these f ellows into the country,or set them aboard ship,and you will see how t hey pine for their desk or their study.
They have no curiosity;they cannot give themselves over to random p rovocations;they do not take pleasure in the exercise of their facultie s for its own sake;and unless necessity lays about them with a stick,t hey will even stand still.It is no good speaking to such folk:they can not be idle,their nature is not generous enough;and they pass those ho urs in a sort of coma,which are not dedicated to furious moiling in the gold-mill.When they do not require to go to the office,when they are n ot hungry and have no mind to drink,the whole breathing world is a blan k to them.If they have to wait an hour or so for a train,they fall in to a stupid trance with their eyes open.To see them,you would suppose there was nothing to look at and no one to speak with;you would imagine they were paralysed or alienated;and yet very possibly they are hard wo rkers in their own ways,and have good eyesight for a flaw in a deed or a turn of the market.They have been to school and college,but all the time they had their eyes on the medal;they have gone about in the world and mixed with clever people,but all the time they were thinking of the ir own affairs.As if a man's soul were not too small to begin with,th ey have dwarfed and narrowed theirs by a life of all work and no play;u ntil here they are at forty,with a listless attention,a mind vacant of all materials of amusement,and not one thought to rub against another,while they wait for the train.Before he was breeched,he might have cla mbered on the boxes;when he was twenty,he would have stared at the gir ls;but now the pipe is smoked out,the snuffbox empty,and my gentleman sits bolt upright upon a bench,with lamentable eyes.This does not appe al to me as being Success in Life.
But it is not only the person himself who suffers from his busy habi ts,but his wife and children,his friends and relations,and down to th e very people he sits with in a railway carriage or an omnibus.
Perpetual devotion to what a man calls his business,is only to be s ustained by perpetual neglect of many other things.And it is not by any means certain that a man's business is the most important thing he has to do.To an impartial estimate it will seem clear that many of the wise st,most virtuous,and most beneficent parts that are to be played upon the Theatre of Life are filled by gratuitous performers,and pass,among the world at large,as phases of idleness.For in that Theatre not only the walking gentlemen,singing chambermaids,and diligent fiddlers in th e orchestra,but those who look on and clap their hands from the benches,do really play a part and fulfill important offices towards the genera l result.You are no doubt very dependent on the care of your lawyer and stockbroker,of the guards and signalmen who convey you rapidly from pla ce to place,and the policemen who walk the streets for your protection;but is there not a thought of gratitude in your heart for certain other benefactors who set you smiling when they fall in your way,or season yo ur dinner with good company?Colonel Newsome helped to lose his friend's money;Fred Bayham had an ugly trick of borrowing shirts;and yet they were better people to fall among than Mr.Barnes.And though Falstaff wa s neither sober nor very honest,I think I could name one or two long-fa ced Barabbases whom the world could better have done without.Hazlitt me ntioned that he was more sensible of obligation to Northcote,who had ne ver done him anything he could call a service,than to his whole circle of ostentatious friends;for he thought a good companion emphatically th e greatest benefactor.
I know there are people in the world who cannot feel grateful unless the favour has been done them at the cost of pain and difficulty.But th is is a churlish disposition.A man may send you six sheets of letter-pa per covered with the most entertaining gossip,or you may pass half an h our pleasantly,perhaps profitably,over an article of his;do you think the service would be greater,if he had made the manuscript in his heart's blood,like a compact with the devil?Do you really fancy you should be more beholden to your correspondent,if he had been damning you all t he while for your importunity?Pleasures are more beneficial than duties because,like the quality of mercy,they are not strained,and they are twice blest.
1.Bring these fellows____the country,or set them aboard ship,and you see how they pine for their desk____their study.
2.But it is not____the person himself who suffers from his bus y habits,____his wife and children,his____and relations,an d down to the____people he sits with in a railway carriage or____omnibus.
3.Do you really fancy you____be more beholden to your corres pondent,if he had been damning you____the while for your importuni ty?
1.If they have to wait an hour or so for a train,they fall into a stupid trance with their eyes open.
fall into:落入;分成
2.Do you really fancy you should be more beholden to your correspon dent,if he had been damning you all the while for your importunity?
all the while:一直;始終