
第18章 長大成人 (2)


Not until its engine died did I realize what had made the car so special. While most of my friends invested in car stereos that could rattle windows a block away, I stuck with the old original radio that barely picked up two stations on a good night. Mostly, we just left it turned off. There were no bored silences or demands that I buy a better radio, though. We filled the musical voice by arguing about girls, making up silly songs about one another, or telling stories.

But the moments that truly stand out were more sober. I’ll never forget the silence as we drove home from the play-off game in which our team was eliminated. Nor the nights when Chalie talked about his parents’ financial troubles, Tom spoke sadly of his father’s absence, and Eric told us of his dream of playing professional hockey.

Since we graduated from high school, my friends and I have spread out across the country and grown into adults. Yet I’ve never forgotten my youthful emotions that day when the mechanic delivered his sad verdict. In that old car of mine, we had stockpiled memories like firewood, knowing that someday, somewhere we would gather as grey-haired man to relight the blaze of our friendship.


