
爺爺的藏寶圖A Giant Mystery



The sound of the clock made Bridget jump.It had been so quiet in the living room.Her eyes went to the carved black case on the desk.Inside it, the clock continued to chime.The notes sounded sad and empty.

Everything seemed empty in Rose Cottage since Grandpa had died.He’d lived here for eighty-two years, and Bridget had visited him every summer of her life.Now the cottage would be sold.

“You can keep something to remember Grandpa by.”Mom had said.

Bridget looked away from the clock.That wasn’t what she needed to remind her of Grandpa’s teasing eyes and his hugs.Would a book make her think of him? She went to the shelf, but most of the books looked boring.Then she saw a paper sticking out of a book.Gently she pulled it out.

A date was written on one side of the paper: February 1, 1927.On the other side was something exciting.Bridget gave a shout that brought her brother running.

“Look what I found.”Bridget said.

Colin took the paper and glanced at the date, then gasped when he saw the other side.Above a drawing were the words My Treasure Map.

“Grandpa always said he’d buried a treasure on his land.”Bridget said.“I thought he was teasing.”

“So did I.”Colin said.“This map proves that he wasn’t.”

It was a simple map: just a big circle that said The Giant and an arrow pointing from it with the words Twenty-Yard Walk.At the end of the arrow was a small circle marked Stone, and an X.

“The Giant is what Grandpa called that big boulder”Bridget said.

“And the treasure isburied under a stone twentyyards from it,”Colin said.“Let’s go!”

They ran outside and grabbed shovels from the shed.They raced across a field to The Giant.It was the only big boulder on the Iowa farm, and it stood beside a stream.

Colin started to walk away from The Giant.It wasn’t easy to measure twenty yards with his short strides, but a glance around the field showed only two stones that could hide the treasure.

“This one first,”Colin said, rolling aside the bigger stone.

Bridget thrust her shovel into the dirt.What could the treasure be?“Gold bars,”she guessed.“Or jewels—a chest full of sapphires and diamonds.”

Did the old treasure map make sense?

Colin laughed.“Be realistic, Bridget.I’ll bet it’s money.”

“Enough to buy a new computer or a bike?”

“Maybe enough to save this place,”Colin said.“If we find a lot of money, Mom won’t have to sell the cottage.We can always spend our summers here.”

Bridget knew it wouldn’t be the same without Grandpa, but she loved the old cottage.The thought of saving it spurred her on.She tightened her grip on the shovel and dug harder.But half an hour later, all they’d uncovered was dirt.

“It must be under the other stone.”Colin said.

They moved to the other spot and dug for an hour.Bridget’s arms began to ache, and her face burned in the sunlight.“The treasure isn’t here either.”she said.She turned and walked back toward the cottage.Colin gritted his teeth and kept digging.

Bridget went into the cottage and stared at Grandpa’s map.Was there something she had missed? Some clue she hadn’t snapped up? She searched the drawing inch by inch, then turned over the paper.The only thing there was the date.

“I’ve got it!”Bridget cried.She raced outside and grabbed her shovel and headed for the stream near The Giant.

“Where are you going?”Colin called.“Wait for me.”

Colin dashed to the stream, too.Bridget was already in the rowboat that was always tied near the bank, waiting for anyone who wanted to cross.

Bridget didn’t say a word as they rowed across the stream.Then she led the way to a single stone near the opposite bank.She didn’t need the shovel.She just rolled aside the stone and uncovered a metal box.

Colin gasped.“How did you know?”

Bridget smiled.“The map was made in the middle of winter.Grandpa crossed the stream.He walked across the ice!”

“There’s something else we forgot,”she continued.“The year was 1927.Grandpa hid this box when he was a little boy!”
































1.glance at


表示“看”的各種表達還有:stare at凝視;peep into偷窺,偷看;glare at怒視,瞪眼。

例:I glanced quickly at her.


2.spur on


詞組:spur sb.on激勵某人。

to spur one’s horse on策馬前進。

例:He was spurred on by ambition.


1.The sound of the clock made Bridget_________.It had been so quiet in the living room.Her eyes went to the_________black case on the desk.Inside it, the clock continued to_________.The notes sounded sad and.

2.Brid get went into the cottage and_________Grandpa’s map.Was there something she had missed? Some clue she hadn’t_________? She searched the drawing inch by inch, then turned over the_________.The only thing there was the date.