
祖母的瓷器 Grandmother’s China


克裏斯蒂娜·朗德奎斯特/Kristine Lundquist

In 1949 my parents made the big move from Rockford, Illinois, to Southern California,along with three very tiny children and all their household possessions.My mother had carefully wrapped and packed many precious family heirlooms, including four cartons of her mother’s hand-painted dinner china.Grandmother had painted this lovely set herself, choosing a forget-me-not pattern.

Unfortunately, something happened during the move.One box of the china didn’t make it.It never arrived at our new house.So my mother had only three-quarters of the set—she had plates of different sizes and some serving pieces, but missing were the cups and saucers and the bowls.Often at family gatherings or when we would all sit down for a Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner, my mother would say something about the missing china and how she wished it had survived the trip.

When my mother died in 1983, I inherited Grandmother’s china.I, too, used the set on many special occasions, and I, too, wondered what had happened to the missing box.

I love to prowl antique shops and flea markets, hunting for treasures.It’s great fun to walk up and down the aisles early in the morning, watching as the vendors spread their wares on the ground.

I hadn’t been to a flea market in over a year when, one Sunday in 1993, I got the itch to go.So I crawled out of bed at 5 A.M.and drove an hour in the predawn darkness to the giant Rose Bowl Flea Market in Pasadena.I walked up and down the outdoor aisles, and after a couple of hours I was thinking about leaving.I rounded the last corner and took a few steps down the row when I noticed some china strewn on the macadam.I saw that it was hand-painted china...with forget-me-nots! I raced over to look at it more closely and gingerly picked up a cup and saucer...forget-me-nots! Exactly like Grandmother’s china, with the same delicate strokes and the same thin gold bands around the rims.I looked at the rest of the items—there were the cups! The saucers! The bowls! It was Grandmother’s china!

The dealer had noticed my excitement, and when she came over I told her the story of the missing box.She said the china had come from an estate sale in Pasadena—the next town over from Arcadia, where we had lived when I was a child.When she was going through the contents of the estate, she had found an old unopened carton stored in the garden shed, and the china was in it.She queshoned the heirs about the china and they said that they knew nothing about it, that the box had been in the shed“forever.”

I left the Rose Bowl Flea Market that day laden with my amazing treasure.Even now, six years later, I am filled with wonder that“all the pieces in the universe”tumbled together to let me find the missing china.What would have happened if I had slept in? What gave me the itch to go to the Rose Bowl on that particular day? What if I hadn’t turned that last corner, choosing instead to leave and rest my aching feet?

Last week I had a dinner party for fifteen friends.We used Grandmother’s china.And at the end of the meal, I proudly served coffee in those beautiful cups and saucers that had been missing for so long.









(1) tiny?a.everything that exists anywhere

(2) preciousb.someone who purchases and maintains an inventoryof goods to be sold

(3) dealer c.obviously contrived to charm

(4) universed.very small


TRUE?if the statement agrees with the information

FALSEif the statement contradicts the information

_______ (1) The writer had four sisters.

_______ (2) The writer had a dinner party for fifteen friends.

1.It’s great fun to_________the aisles early in the morning, watching as thevendor s spread their wares on the ground.


2.I love to prowl antique shops and flea markets,_________treasures.

我非常喜歡到古董店和跳蚤市場去搜尋寶貝。 3.The dealer had noticed my excitement, and when she_________I told her the

story of the missing box.


健忘的奶奶 The Ice Cream Girl


Eleanor didn’t know what was wrong with Grandma.She was always forgetting things, like where she put the sugar, when to pay her bills, and what time to be ready to be picked up for grocery shopping.

“What’s wrong with Grandma?”Eleanor asked.“She used to be such a neat lady.Now she looks sad and lost and doesn’t remember things.”

“Grandma’s just getting old,”Mother said.“She needs a lot of love right now, dear.”

“What’s it like to get old?”Eleanor asked.“Does everybody forget things? Will I?”“Not everyone forgets things when they get old, Eleanor.We think Grandma may have Alzheimer’s disease, and that makes her forget more.We may have to put her in a nursing home to get the proper care she needs.”

“Oh, Mom! That’s terrible! She’ll miss her own little house so much, won’t she?”

“Maybe, but there isn’t much else we can do.She’ll get good care there and make some new friends.”

Eleanor looked sorrowful.She didn’t like the idea at all.

“Can we go and see her often?”she asked.“I’ll miss talking to Grandma, even if she does forget things.”

“We can go on weekends,”Mother answered.“We can take her a present.”“Like ice cream? Grandma loves strawberry, ice cream!”Eleanor smiled.

“Strawberry ice cream it is!”Mother said.

The first time they visited Grandma in the nursing home, Eleanor wanted to cry.

“Mom, almost all of the people are in wheelchairs,”she said.

“They have to be.Otherwise they’d fall,”Mother explained.“Now when you see Grandma, smile and tell her how nice she looks.”

Grandma sat all by herself in a comer of the room they called the sun parlor.She sat looking out at the trees.

Eleanor hugged Grandma.“Look,”she said,“we brought you a present—your favorite, strawberry ice cream!”

Grandma took the Dixie cup and the spoon and began eating without saying a word.

“I’m sure she’s enjoying it, dear,”Eleanor’s mother assured her.

“But she doesn’t seem to know us.”Eleanor was disappointed.

“You have to give her time,”Mother said.“She’s in new surroundings, and she has to make an adjustment.”

But the next time they visited Grandma it was the same.She ate the ice cream and smiled at them, but she didn’t say anything.

“Grandma, do you know who I am?”Eleanor asked.

“You’re the girl who brings me the ice cream,”Grandma said.

“Yes, but I’m Eleanor, too, your granddaughter.Don’t you remember me.”She asked, throwing her arms around the old lady.

Grandma smiled faintly.

“Remember?Sure I remember.You’re the girl who brings me ice cream.

Suddenly Eleanor realized that Grandma would never remember her.Grandma was living in a world all her own, in a world of shadowy memories and loneliness.

“Oh, how I love you, Grandma!”she said.Just then she saw a tear roll down Grandma’s cheek.

“Love,”she said.“I remember love.”

“You see, dear, that’s all she wants,”Mother said.“Love.”

“I’ll bring her ice cream every weekend then, and hug her even if she doesn’t remember me,”Eleanor said.

After all, that was more important—to remember love rather than someone’s name.































assure, ensure, reassure


例:I’ll assure you that I’m right.



例:I ensure the safety of the journey.我確保這次旅行的安全。


例:The doctor reassured the old man.


1.Eleanor didn’t know what was_________with Grandma.She was always forgetting things, like where she put the_________, when to pay her bills, and what time to be ready to be picked up for_________shopping.

2.Not everyone forgets things when they_________, Eleanor.We think Grandma may have Alzheimer’s disease, and that makes her forget_________.We may have to put her in a nursing home to get the_________care she needs.